Advanced methods of imaging and mapping the healthy and lesioned brain have allowed for the identification of the cortical nodes and white matter tracts supporting the dual neurofunctional organization of language networks in a dorsal phonological and a ventral semantic stream. Much less understood are the anatomical correlates of the interaction between the two streams; one hypothesis being that of a subcortically mediated interaction, through crossed cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical and cortico-thalamo-cortical loops. In this regard, the pulvinar is the thalamic subdivision that has most regularly appeared as implicated in the processing of lexical retrieval. However, descriptions of its connections with temporal (language) areas remain scarce. Here we assess this pulvino-temporal connectivity using a combination of state-of-the-art techniques: white matter stimulation in awake surgery and postoperative diffusion MRI (n = 4), virtual dissection from the Human Connectome Project 3 and 7 T datasets (n = 172) and operative microscope-assisted post-mortem fibre dissection (n = 12). We demonstrate the presence of four fundamental fibre contingents: (i) the anterior component (Arnold's bundle proper) initially described by Arnold in the 19th century and destined to the anterior temporal lobe; (ii) the optic radiations-like component, which leaves the pulvinar accompanying the optical radiations and reaches the posterior basal temporal cortices; (iii) the lateral component, which crosses the temporal stem orthogonally and reaches the middle temporal gyrus; and (iv) the auditory radiations-like component, which leaves the pulvinar accompanying the auditory radiations to the superomedial aspect of the temporal operculum, just posteriorly to Heschl's gyrus. Each of those components might correspond to a different level of information processing involved in the lexical retrieval process of picture naming.
Keywords: diffusion imaging; lexical retrieval; low-grade glioma; pulvinar; temporal lobe; white matter.
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