Most adults with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) are either overweight or obese. As such, dietary management is recommended as an adjunct to insulin treatment to improve glycemic control and facilitate weight loss in these patients. Time-restricted eating (TRE) is a form of intermittent fasting that offers a simplified approach to treating obesity in T1DM. TRE typically involves restricting eating to 6 to 10 h per day, with water and medications allowed outside the eating window. This review examines the efficacy of TRE and other fasting protocols in improving weight and glycemic control in patients with obesity and T1DM. This review will also evaluate the safety of these regimens and provide advice to clinicians on implementing intermittent fasting in T1DM.
Keywords: glycemic control; intermittent fasting; obesity; safety; time-restricted eating; type 1 diabetes.
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