Machine Learning in Neurosurgery: Toward Complex Inputs, Actionable Predictions, and Generalizable Translations

Cureus. 2024 Jan 9;16(1):e51963. doi: 10.7759/cureus.51963. eCollection 2024 Jan.


Machine learning can predict neurosurgical diagnosis and outcomes, power imaging analysis, and perform robotic navigation and tumor labeling. State-of-the-art models can reconstruct and generate images, predict surgical events from video, and assist in intraoperative decision-making. In this review, we will detail the neurosurgical applications of machine learning, ranging from simple to advanced models, and their potential to transform patient care. As machine learning techniques, outputs, and methods become increasingly complex, their performance is often more impactful yet increasingly difficult to evaluate. We aim to introduce these advancements to the neurosurgical audience while suggesting major potential roadblocks to their safe and effective translation. Unlike the previous generation of machine learning in neurosurgery, the safe translation of recent advancements will be contingent on neurosurgeons' involvement in model development and validation.

Keywords: ai and machine learning; ai and robotics in healthcare; federated learning; generative adversarial network (gan); generative ai; neurosurgery; outcome prediction; spine.

Publication types

  • Review