This paper presents a proposal for riparian area delineation relying on topographical, hydrological, vegetation, and soil data together with numerical modelling of the river hydrodynamics. The two-dimensional model Iber is used to simulate 2.5, 10, 50, and 100-years return period flood events, and new code is developed to simulate the main hydrological processes of the river-riparian system to generate riparian zone maps. Results show that changes in topography and discharge direction between river and groundwater both influence the riparian area extent, and that temporal evolution of the riparian zone is much slower than that of the flood, and its extension can continue to increase while the flood recedes, but only to a certain extent, conditioned by topography, soil characteristics, and vegetation. A simple but efficient numerical code for understanding and simulating the riparian dynamics has been developed, which constitutes a proposal for a new riparian delineation approach useful for research and management applications, and which can also be a useful tool for gaining a better understanding of the riparian boundary behavior under different ecohydrological conditions.
Keywords: Ecohydrology modelling; Flood - water table interaction; Iber integrated simulation; Riparian boundary.
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