Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common upper gastrointestinal disorder characterized by troublesome symptoms, including heartburn and acid regurgitation. GERD is associated with complications such as peptic stricture, Barrett's esophagus, and esophageal adenocarcinoma, and it negatively affects quality of life (QoL).
Aims: To assess the factors influencing the QoL of GERD patients in the Aseer region of Saudi Arabia.
Settings and design: This descriptive cross-sectional study used self-administered questionnaires in a study population of patients aged ≥18 years from Aseer, Saudi Arabia, between January 15, 2023-February 15, 2023.
Materials and methods: A previously validated GERD health-related QoL (GERD-HRQoL) questionnaire was used to assess the patients' sociodemographic data, GERD, and GERD-HRQoL.
Statistical analysis used: Descriptive analysis included describing the frequency distribution and percentage for study variables, including demographic data, GERD-related QoL symptoms, and QoL, which were graphed. Cross-tabulation presented the distribution of GERD-HRQoL scores by their personal data and other factors using the Pearson Chi-square and exact probability tests.
Results: Overall, 502 participants previously diagnosed with GERD completed the questionnaire. Participants' were aged 18-65 years (mean age of 31.5 ± 14.6 years), and 384 (76.5%) were male. The most frequent symptom affecting QoL was heartburn (85.9%), followed by postprandial heartburn (84.3%), heartburn while lying down (82.7%), bloating or gassy feelings (79.9%), and heartburn while standing up (77.3%).
Conclusions: Our study showed that patients with GERD had a poor QoL due to GERD-related symptoms, mainly heartburn. Younger age, male sex, and lower educational status were associated with lower GERD-HRQoL scores.
Keywords: Gastroesophageal reflux disease; Saudi Arabia; heartburn; quality of life; regurgitation.
Copyright: © 2023 Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care.