Human hands are amazingly skilled at recognizing and handling objects of different sizes and shapes. To date, soft robots rarely demonstrate autonomy equivalent to that of humans for fine perception and dexterous operation. Here, an intelligent soft robotic system with autonomous operation and multimodal perception ability is developed by integrating capacitive sensors with triboelectric sensor. With distributed multiple sensors, our robot system can not only sense and memorize multimodal information but also enable an adaptive grasping method for robotic positioning and grasp control, during which the multimodal sensory information can be captured sensitively and fused at feature level for crossmodally recognizing objects, leading to a highly enhanced recognition capability. The proposed system, combining the performance and physical intelligence of biological systems (i.e., self-adaptive behavior and multimodal perception), will greatly advance the integration of soft actuators and robotics in many fields.
Keywords: multimodal data fusion; multimodal perception; robotic sensing; sensor-based control; soft robot.