Dual Functional Materials: At the Interface of Catalysis and Separations

Langmuir. 2024 May 14;40(19):9833-9841. doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c03888. Epub 2024 Mar 12.


Dual functional materials (DFMs) are a promising approach to increase the energy efficiency of carbon capture and utilization by combining both steps into a single unit operation. In this Perspective, we analyze the challenges and opportunities of integrated carbon capture and utilization (ICCU) via a thermally driven process. We identify three key areas that will facilitate research progress toward industrially viable solutions: (1) selecting appropriate DFM operating conditions; (2) designing and characterizing interfacial site cooperativity for CO2 adsorption and hydrogenation; and (3) establishing standards for rigorous and comprehensive data reporting.

Publication types

  • Review