Type I interferons (IFNs) are critical for the antiviral immune response, and fine-tuning type I IFN production is critical to effectively clearing viruses without causing harmful immunopathology. We showed that the transcription factor Miz1 epigenetically repressed the expression of genes encoding type I IFNs in mouse lung epithelial cells by recruiting histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) to the promoters of Ifna and Ifnb. Loss of function of Miz1 resulted in augmented production of these type I IFNs during influenza A virus (IAV) infection, leading to improved viral clearance in vitro and in vivo. IAV infection induced Miz1 accumulation by promoting the cullin-4B (CUL4B)-mediated ubiquitylation and degradation of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Mule (Mcl-1 ubiquitin ligase E3; also known as Huwe1 or Arf-BP1), which targets Miz1 for degradation. As a result, Miz1 accumulation limited type I IFN production and favored viral replication. This study reveals a previously unrecognized function of Miz1 in regulating antiviral defense and a potential mechanism for influenza viruses to evade host immune defense.