Treatment of penile cancer (PC) focuses on organ preservation, employing various surgical and non-surgical approaches. These interventions may lead to disfigurement, impacting patients' functional outcomes and psychosocial well-being. We reviewed studies related to penile health and PC up to February 2024, limited to studies published in English. Studies employing health-related quality of life (HRQoL) assessments have identified a detrimental association between aggressive treatment and overall health status, physical functioning, and relationships. In contrast, organ-sparing demonstrates improved measures related to HRQoL and sexual function. Assessment through validated questionnaires reveals diverse voiding outcomes, and varying impacts on QoL and sexual activity, emphasizing the necessity for multidisciplinary personalized care. Studies highlight substantial variations in sexual function, with patients reporting adaptations, reduced satisfaction, and concerns about body image and sexual well-being. Furthermore, unmet needs include challenges in patient-clinician communication, obtaining information, and accessing psychosocial support. Patient experiences underscore the importance of timely diagnosis, treatment access, and addressing psychological consequences. Organ-sparing approaches have higher QoL preservation and sexual function. Individualized support, including sexual therapy, support groups, and family counseling, is essential for post-treatment rehabilitation. Timely diagnosis and comprehensive care are paramount in addressing the multifaceted impact of PC on patients and families.
Keywords: cancer survivorship; health-related quality of life; partial penectomy; penile cancer; radical penectomy; sexual function; voiding function.