Introduction: The elderly are one of the main groups at risk of contracting COVID-19. Using Parse's human becoming in practice can lead to important changes in a person's health. This study aimed to apply this theory in caring of an elderly patient with spontaneous pneumothorax following COVID-19.
Methods: This research was a case study which was conducted in 2023 in Guilan (Iran). This study was conducted based on the three principles of Parse's theory (meaning, rhythmicity, and transcendence) using Purposive sampling. Nursing interventions were performed based on the PRISM model (presence, respect, information, services, and movement). The data analysis was done based on the qualitative analysis-synthesis process of Parse's research methodology (2011).
Results: Findings based on the first principle of Parse's theory showed that the meaning of COVID-19 changed from "lethal" to "curable disease". In the second principle, the paradoxes of "disbelief/shock-active participation for recovery", "despair-hope", and "ignorance- searching for knowledge" were identified. According to the third principle, the patient and her daughter had learned how to take the path of transcendence and deal with disease conflicts and create the necessary change in dealing with paradoxes.
Conclusion: The results showed that Parse's theory could be used to improve health status and deal with paradoxes in elderly patients suffering from spontaneous pneumothorax. It is suggested that this theory will be used in future studies in the care of other patients.
Keywords: COVID-19; Caring; Case report; Elderly; Nursing.
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