Protocol for isolating amnion cells from human and non-human primate placenta for flow cytometry and transcriptomics

STAR Protoc. 2024 Apr 27;5(2):103044. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2024.103044. Online ahead of print.


The amnion is a thin layer of fetal origin in contact with the amniotic fluid which plays a key role at the feto-maternal interface during pregnancy. Here, we present a protocol for isolation of human and Rhesusmacaque amnion cells. We describe steps for tissue dissection, cell isolation for flow cytometry analysis, and RNA isolation for RNA sequencing library preparation and analysis. This protocol can provide insights into altered immunological pathways during intrauterine infections to develop new therapeutic strategies. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Presicce et al.1.

Keywords: Flow Cytometry; Immunology; Model Organisms; Sequence analysis.