Introduction: CERA, the Council of Academic Family Medicine (CAFM) Educational Research Alliance, represents a unique collaboration between family medicine organizations, conducting annual surveys of distinct groups within family medicine. CERA's mission is to support family medicine educational research. This paper presents the methods and demographic results of the 2023 General Membership Survey.
Methods: CERA's call for proposals for the annual General Membership Survey opened from June 2023 to July 2023. We received 16 proposals, and after a peer review process, five topics were accepted. Each author was assigned a research mentor. Because all the accepted proposals targeted physicians, the survey was distributed to select members of the CAFM organizations via SurveyMonkey from November 20, 2023 through December 22, 2023. We used χ2 and Fisher's exact tests for analysis.
Results: The final pool size was 3,598. Eight-hundred thirty-three members completed the survey, for a response rate of 23.2% (833/3,598). Demographic data of potential survey respondents were compared with data of actual respondents. There were no significant differences in gender, location and underrepresented in medicine status. Actual survey respondents were slightly older, less likely Asian, and more likely to have a doctor of medicine (MD) or combined doctorate degree compared to potential survey respondents.
Conclusion: This paper describes the methods of the 2023 CERA General Membership Survey. The 2023 survey focused on active physicians. The demographics of the survey respondents differed slightly from potential respondents. Authors of the five accepted survey topics are responsible for publishing their study findings.
© 2024 by the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine.