We present a case of spontaneous abdominal hemoperitoneum secondary to ruptured splenosis in a 35-year-old patient with a history of splenectomy secondary to trauma 23 years prior. Computed tomography imaging demonstrated a large amorphous mass-like structure in the mesentery of the left hemiabdomen with active extravasation and hemoperitoneum. The patient also had a separate focus of hyper-enhancing mass adjacent to the bladder representing a mass versus splenule. The patient's radiographic and clinical presentation prompted management with exploratory laparotomy, hematoma evacuation, and resection of two splenules. With only a few cases of spontaneous abdominal hemoperitoneum from splenosis reported, this case describes successful management with surgical intervention.
Keywords: complication; hemoperitoneum; hemorrhage; splenectomy; splenosis; spontaneous.
Published by Oxford University Press and JSCR Publishing Ltd. © The Author(s) 2024.