Abdominal pain in a young lady with inverted Meckel's diverticulum: a case report

Gastroenterol Hepatol Bed Bench. 2024;17(1):100-103. doi: 10.22037/ghfbb.v17i1.2815.


Meckel diverticulum is the most common congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract which is located in small bowel within 2 feet of the ileocecal valve. Nevertheless, an inverted Meckel's diverticulum is an uncommon condition believed to result from aberrant peristalsis in that specific area. This article showed signs, symptoms, and possible clinical presentations using CARE guidelines in a case of inverted Meckel's diverticulum and reviews other possible features lastly, definitive treatment, results, and case follow-up were shown to refresh, and raise surgeons' awareness of this rare disorder.

Keywords: Care guideline; Case report; Inverted Meckel’s diverticulum; Surgery.

Publication types

  • Case Reports