Comparative transcriptomic analyses reveal key genes underlying melanin distribution during embryonic development in geese (Anser anser)

Br Poult Sci. 2024 May 15:1-7. doi: 10.1080/00071668.2024.2335943. Online ahead of print.


1. Melanin distribution typically exhibits a gradient dilution along the dorsal-ventral axis of the body, including in domestic geese. However, the specific genes and molecular mechanisms responsible for this melanin distribution pattern remain incompletely understood.2. The transcriptomic comparisons were conducted at three embryonic stages, specifically on embryonic d 15 (E15), 22 (E22), and 29 (E29), between the pigmented dorsal skin and the depigmented distal foot.3. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) associated with melanin synthesis were identified, particularly TYR, TYRP1, and EDNRB2, which exhibited significantly higher expression levels in the dorsal skin at E15 and E22. However, expression levels significantly decreased in later stages (E29).4. The ASIP gene showed remarkably high-expression levels in the distal feet compared to the dorsal skin post-E22 stage (log2FC: 5.31/6.88 at E22/E29). Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis detected eight terms associated with melanin synthesis and melanosome formation (p < 0.05), including melanosome membrane (GO: 0033162) and melanin biosynthetic process (GO: 0042438). Additionally, KEGG pathway analysis showed significant enrichment of the melanogenesis pathway (hsa004916) at d 22 (E22).

Keywords: Graylag geese; distal feet; dorsal skin; genetics; melanin.