The shift of mental health care from mental institutions to community-based services has been implemented differentially throughout the EU. However, because a comprehensive overview of the current mental health provision in member states is lacking, it is challenging to compare services across nations. This study investigates the extent of implementation of community-based mental health services within the EU using data collected from the WHO Mental Health Atlas. Results show that, although great cross-country variation exists in the implementation of community-based services, mental hospitals remain the prominent model of care in most countries. A few countries endorsed a balanced care model, with the co-occurrence of community services and mental hospitals. However, missing data, low quality of data and different service definitions hamper the possibility of a thorough analysis of the status on deinstitutionalization. Although policies on the closing and downsizing of mental institutions have been endorsed by the EU, the strong presence of mental hospitals slows down the shift towards community-based mental health care. This study highlights the need for an international consensus on definitions and a harmonization of indicators on mental health services. Together with the commitment of member states to improve the quality of data reporting, leadership must emerge to ensure quality monitoring of mental health-related data, which will help advance research, policies and practices.
Keywords: Community-based care; Mental health services; Mental hospitals; WHO Mental Health Atlas.
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