Translatability of life-extending pharmacological treatments between different species

Aging Cell. 2024 May 26:e14208. doi: 10.1111/acel.14208. Online ahead of print.


Anti-aging research has made significant strides in identifying treatments capable of extending lifespan across a range of organisms, from simple invertebrates to mammals. This review showcases the current state of anti-aging interventions, highlighting the lifespan extensions observed in animal models through various treatments and the challenges encountered in translating these findings to humans. Despite promising results in lower organisms, the translation of anti-aging treatments to human applications presents a considerable challenge. This discrepancy can be attributed to the increasing complexity of biological systems, species-specific metabolic and genetic differences, and the redundancy of metabolic pathways linked to longevity. Our review focuses on analyzing these challenges, offering insights into the efficacy of anti-aging mechanisms across species and identifying key barriers to their translation into human treatments. By synthesizing current knowledge and identifying gaps in translatability, this review aims to underscore the importance of advancing these therapies for human benefit. Bridging this gap is essential to assess the potential of such treatments in extending the human healthspan.

Keywords: aging; drug treatments; humans; invertebrates; lifespan; translatability; vertebrates.

Publication types

  • Review