Déprotection sanitaire des étrangers, de quoi la démission d’Aurélien Rousseau est-elle le nom ?

Sante Publique. 2024;36(2):95-96. doi: 10.3917/spub.242.0095.
[Article in French]


In late December 2023, the French parliament debated legislation that would endanger access to state medical aid (AME) for seriously ill migrants living undocumented in France. The limits of an over-restrictive approach to health care are well known: poorer access to care, additional burden on public hospitals, and the weakening of the whole system. The risks weigh particularly heavily on migrants living with HIV. Yet we know that the number of HIV-positive diagnoses continues to rise among men who have sex with men and who were born abroad. This situation raises public health concerns and risks undermining the ethical foundations of medicine. The French health minister, Aurélien Rousseau, resigned the day after the bill was passed last December, having repeatedly stated his opposition to measures abolishing or weakening AME. In doing so, he demonstrated his commitment to the humanist foundations of medicine, setting an example for all political leaders.

Publication types

  • English Abstract

MeSH terms

  • France
  • HIV Infections
  • Health Services Accessibility*
  • Humans
  • Male
  • Transients and Migrants
  • Undocumented Immigrants