Psychopathy measurement practices moderate psychopathy's association with anxiety and depression: A comprehensive meta-analysis

Clin Psychol Rev. 2024 Jul:111:102448. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2024.102448. Epub 2024 May 26.


Theories of psychopathy development traditionally emphasize that individuals high in psychopathy experience diminished internalizing symptoms (e.g., anxiety and depression). However, many studies find null or even positive relationships between psychopathy and internalizing. The current meta-analysis therefore aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of heterogeneity in psychopathy-anxiety/depression relationships by examining measurement and sample-related variables that may moderate these associations (e.g., psychopathy subdimensions assessed, different measures/operationalizations of psychopathy and anxiety/depression, and demographic characteristics). Results suggest that psychopathy demonstrates a small, positive overall association with anxiety/depression (r = 0.09), which may indicate that psychopathy is unrelated to subjective experiences of anxiety and sadness, but results could also reflect that varying psychopathy and anxiety/depression assessment practices contribute to heterogeneity in psychopathy-anxiety/depression associations. Most notably, results indicate that associations vary substantially across different measures/operationalizations of psychopathy, even when controlling for sample type and informant. Some psychopathy scales could therefore inadvertently capture anxiety/depression symptoms or broader psychopathology in addition to psychopathic traits. Findings from the current meta-analysis can inform future efforts to understand how measurement-related considerations influence relationships between psychopathy and anxiety/depression.

Keywords: Anxiety; Depression; Multilevel meta-analysis; Psychopathology assessment; Psychopathy.

Publication types

  • Meta-Analysis
  • Review

MeSH terms

  • Antisocial Personality Disorder* / psychology
  • Anxiety* / psychology
  • Depression* / psychology
  • Humans