Background: Human dermal fibroblasts secrete diverse proteins that regulate wound repair and tissue regeneration.
Methods: In this study, dermal fibroblast-conditioned medium (DFCM) proteins potentially regulating nerve restoration were bioinformatically selected among the 337 protein lists identified by quantitative liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Using these proteins, protein-protein interaction network analysis was conducted. In addition, the roles of DFCM proteins were reviewed according to their protein classifications.
Results: Gene Ontology protein classification categorized these 57 DFCM proteins into various classes, including protein-binding activity modulator (N = 11), cytoskeletal protein (N = 8), extracellular matrix protein (N = 6), metabolite interconversion enzyme (N = 5), chaperone (N = 4), scaffold/adapter protein (N = 4), calcium-binding protein (N = 3), cell adhesion molecule (N = 2), intercellular signal molecule (N = 2), protein modifying enzyme (N = 2), transfer/carrier protein (N = 2), membrane traffic protein (N = 1), translational protein (N = 1), and unclassified proteins (N = 6). Further protein-protein interaction network analysis of 57 proteins revealed significant interactions among the proteins that varied according to the settings of confidence score.
Conclusions: Our bioinformatic analysis demonstrated that DFCM contains many secretory proteins that form significant protein-protein interaction networks crucial for regulating nerve restoration. These findings underscore DFCM proteins' critical roles in various nerve restoration stages during the wound repair process.
Keywords: bioinformatics; dermal fibroblast‐conditioned media; human dermal fibroblast; nerve restoration; neurogenesis; proteomic analysis; secretory protein.
© 2024 The Authors. Skin Research and Technology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.