Decoding visual representations from human brain activity has emerged as a thriving research domain, particularly in the context of brain-computer interfaces. Our study presents an innovative method that employs knowledge distillation to train an EEG classifier and reconstruct images from the ImageNet and THINGS-EEG 2 datasets using only electroencephalography (EEG) data from participants who have viewed the images themselves (i.e. "brain decoding"). We analyzed EEG recordings from 6 participants for the ImageNet dataset and 10 for the THINGS-EEG 2 dataset, exposed to images spanning unique semantic categories. These EEG readings were converted into spectrograms, which were then used to train a convolutional neural network (CNN), integrated with a knowledge distillation procedure based on a pre-trained Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (CLIP)-based image classification teacher network. This strategy allowed our model to attain a top-5 accuracy of 87%, significantly outperforming a standard CNN and various RNN-based benchmarks. Additionally, we incorporated an image reconstruction mechanism based on pre-trained latent diffusion models, which allowed us to generate an estimate of the images that had elicited EEG activity. Therefore, our architecture not only decodes images from neural activity but also offers a credible image reconstruction from EEG only, paving the way for, e.g., swift, individualized feedback experiments.
Keywords: BCI vision; Brain decoding; EEG decoding; Image reconstruction.
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