Different developmental genes shape frequent dynamic inter-chromosomal contacts with rDNA units in human and Drosophila cells. In the course of differentiation, changes in these contacts occur, coupled with changes in the expression of hundreds of rDNA-contacting genes. The data suggest a possible role of nucleoli in the global regulation of gene expression. However, the mechanism behind the specificity of these inter-chromosomal contacts, which are rebuilt in every cell cycle, is not yet known. Here, we describe the strong association of rDNA-contacting genes with numerous long intergenic non-coding RNAs (lincRNAs) in HEK293T cells and in initial and differentiated K562 cells. We observed that up to 600 different lincRNAs were preferentially co-expressed with multiple overlapping sets of rDNA-contacting developmental genes, and there was a strong correlation between the genomic positions of rDNA-contacting genes and lincRNA mappings. These two findings suggest that lincRNAs might guide the corresponding developmental genes toward rDNA clusters. We conclude that the inter-chromosomal interactions of rDNA-contacting genes with nucleoli might be guided by lincRNAs, which might physically link particular genomic regions with rDNA clusters.
Keywords: 4C; HEK293T; K562; co-expression; differentiation; gene expression; inter-chromosomal contacts; lincRNAs; rDNA clusters.