Purpose: To evaluate the effect of osteotomy preparation technique and implant diameter on primary stability and bone-implant interface of short implants (6mm), when placed in bone with high degree of cancellous content.
Material and method: 90 short (S) implants (6 mm) divided in nine groups based on width (Narrow 4.2 mm, Regular 4.8 mm, Wide 5.4 mm) (N,R,W) and osteotomy preparation (Standard, Osteotome, Osseodensification) (ST, OT, OD) and placed in porcine tibia plateau bone samples: Group SN-ST; Group SN-OT; Group SN-OD; Group SRST; Group SR-OT; Group SR-OD; Group SW-ST; Group SW-OT and Group SW-OD. Insertion torque and Implant Stability Quotient (ISQ) were measured. Four implants from each group SNST, SN-OT, SN-OD were evaluated histomorphometrically.
Results: Insertion torque was significantly higher for implants of Group SW-OD compared to Group SW-ST (50.00 ±14.14 Ncm vs 28.00 ±10.85 Ncm, p= 0.005) and Group SW-OT compared to Group SW-ST (46.87 ±17.10 Ncm vs 28.00 ±10.85 Ncm, p=0.026). Insertion torque was significantly higher for implants of Group SW-OD compared to Group SN-OD (50.00 ±14.14 Ncm vs 31.5 ±15.82 Ncm, p=0.04). No significant differences were observed for the percentage of bone, marrow space and connective tissue in contact to the implant surface between studied groups.
Conclusion: Osteotomy preparation technique at sites with high degree of cancellous content can influence the implant insertion torque for short and wide implants (5.4x6mm). Implant width can influence the insertion torque of short implants placed with the osseodensification technique.
Keywords: Osseodensification; bone; histology; implants; osteotome; stability.