The placenta, as a "transit station" between mother and fetus, has functions delivering nutrients, excreting metabolic wastes and secreting hormones. A healthy placenta is essential for fetal growth and development while the melatonergic system seems to play a critical physiological role in this organ since melatonin, its synthetic enzymes and receptors are present in the placenta. In current study, Mtnr1a and Mtnr1b knockout mice were constructed to explore the potential roles of melatonergic system played on the placental function and intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). The result showed that Mtnr1a knockout had little effect on placental function while Mtnr1b knockout reduced placental efficiency and increased IUGR. Considering the extremely high incidence of IURG in sows, the pregnant sows were treated with melatonin. This treatment reduced the incidence of IUGR. All the evidence suggests that the intact melatonergic system in placenta is required for its function. Mechanistical studies uncovered that Mtnr1b knockout increased placental oxidative stress and apoptosis but reduced the angiogenesis. The RNA sequencing combined with histochemistry study identified the reduced angiogenesis and placental vascular density in Mtnr1b knockout mice. These alterations were mediated by the disrupted STAT3/VEGFR2/PI3K/AKT pathway, i.e., Mtnr1b knockout reduced the phosphorylation of STAT3 which is the promotor of VEGFR2. The downregulated VEGFR2 and its downstream elements of PI3K and AKT expressions, then, jeopardizes the angiogenesis and placental development.
Keywords: IUGR; MTNR1B; Melatonin; Placental angiogenesis; VEGFR2; p-STAT3.
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