Implementing multiblock techniques in a full-scale plant scenario: On-line prediction of quality parameters in a continuous process for different acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) products

Anal Chim Acta. 2024 Aug 8:1316:342851. doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2024.342851. Epub 2024 Jun 8.


Background: The study explores the challenges of handling multiblock data of different natures (process and NIR sensors) for on-line quality prediction in a full-scale plant scenario, namely a plant operating in continuous on an industrial scale and producing different grade Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) products. This environment is an ideal scenario to evaluate the use of multiblock data analysis methods, which can enhance data interpretation, visualization, and predictive performances. In particular, a novel multiblock extension of Locally Weighted PLS has been proposed by the authors, namely Locally Weighted Multiblock Partial Least Squares (LW-MB-PLS). Response-Oriented Sequential Alternation (ROSA) has also been employed to evaluate the diverse block relevance for the prediction of two quality parameters associated with the polymer. Data are split in blocks both according to sensor type and different plant sections, and different models have been built by incremental addition of data blocks to evaluate if early estimation of product quality is feasible.

Results: ROSA method showed promising predictive performance for both quality parameters, highlighting the most influential plant sections through the selection of data blocks. The results suggested that both early and late-stage sensors play crucial roles in predicting product quality. A reasonable estimation of quality parameters before production completion has been achieved. On the other hand, the proposed LW-MB-PLS, while comparable in predictive performances, allowed reducing systematic prediction errors for specific products.

Significance: This study contributes valuable insights for continuous production processes, aiding plant operators and paving the way for advancements in online quality prediction and control. Furthermore, it is implemented as a locally weighted extension of MB-PLS.

Keywords: Industrial scale plant; Locally weighted multiblock partial least squares; On-line NIR; Process monitoring; ROSA; Real-time predictions.