This research studies experimentally the drying of foxtail millet in a pulsation-assisted fluidized bed. The effects of temperature and pulsating flow frequency on millet drying are examined. The experiments are conducted at temperatures of 40 °C, 50 °C, and 60 °C for three pulsating frequencies of 0.5, 1, and 2.5 Hz and continuous flow. The best result is obtained for drying with a frequency of 1 Hz. It shows that the pulsating flow is more effective at 50 °C as compared to other temperatures. Four reliable semi-empirical models are used for predicting the moisture reduction during drying process. Among the fitted dynamic models, the model that has the maximum correlation coefficient (R 2 ) and minimum sum of squares of error (SSE) and root mean squared error (RMSE) and well able to predict the behavior of millet drying in the whole process was chosen.
Keywords: Drying; Fluidized bed; Foxtail millet; Pulsating flow; Semi-empirical models.
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