Perspectives of healthcare practitioners on environmental sustainability in healthcare: A qualitative study

J Adv Nurs. 2024 Jul 29. doi: 10.1111/jan.16327. Online ahead of print.


Aim: To explore the perspectives of Kazakhstani healthcare professionals on environmental sustainability in healthcare.

Design: An exploratory qualitative design.

Methods: Four focus group discussions (FGDs) on environmental sustainability in healthcare were conducted among healthcare professionals (nurses, physicians, midwives and physical therapists) from June to August 2023 in three cities of Kazakhstan. Each FGD consisted of at least 6 to 11 participants and lasted between 60 and 90 minutes. The collected data were analysed using the thematic analysis.

Results: A total of 137 initial codes were identified and further organized into 22 sub-themes based on similarities in codes and meanings, and then 5 significant themes were identified. The five main themes are 'Environmental Sustainability Practices in Healthcare', 'Purposes of Environmental Sustainability in Healthcare', 'Impact of Environmental Sustainability in Healthcare in Patients', 'Challenges in Implementing Environmental Sustainability in Healthcare' and 'The Role of Healthcare Leadership in Improving Environmental Sustainability in Healthcare'.

Conclusions: The findings highlighted the perceptions and practices of healthcare professionals on environmental sustainability's purposes in healthcare, its impacts on patients and its implementation challenges. The study also underscored the critical role of strong and active leadership in ensuring a sustainable implementation of green policies in healthcare facilities and achieving successful results of environmentally conscious healthcare practices.

Implications for the profession and/or patient care: The findings provide invaluable information that can be used by policymakers and healthcare organization leaders to create a sustainable healthcare system. Implementing environmental sustainability practices in healthcare should be widespread, intentional, and sustainable, entailing strong leadership and unwavering personal and organizational commitment.

Patient or public contribution: No patient or public contribution.

Reporting method: We adhered to relevant EQUATOR guidelines, specifically the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research.

Keywords: Kazakhstan; environmental health; environmental sustainability; health personnel; nurses; qualitative research.