Screened out: Ethically managing sunscreen misinformation by social media influencers

Clin Dermatol. 2024 Nov-Dec;42(6):736-738. doi: 10.1016/j.clindermatol.2024.07.013. Epub 2024 Jul 27.


Rampant social media use allows individuals and organizations to broadcast their views to scoping audiences with minimal requirements for vetting or validating shared information. We discuss the impact of disinformation transmitted via social media and use the recent example of false information broadcast concerning sunscreens recently reported in the Wall Street Journal. We also highlight the ethical consequences of social media influencers who disseminate unchecked information and the need for health care professionals to be involved to enhance accountability, goodwill, and truthfulness.

MeSH terms

  • Communication
  • Humans
  • Information Dissemination / ethics
  • Social Media* / ethics
  • Sunscreening Agents* / therapeutic use


  • Sunscreening Agents