Solitary fibrous tumors are rare mesenchymal neoplasms that can develop in any part of the body, with those that settle intracranially being confused with meningiomas as a general rule. We present the case of a 57-year-old man referred to our hospital due to bifrontal headache, anosmia, and behavioral alterations of 6 months' duration. Radiological studies revealed the existence of a large tumor mass with an extra-axial appearance and location in the anterior cranial fossa, initially compatible with a giant meningioma of the olfactory groove. Gross total resection of the mass was carried out. The pathological diagnosis was unexpected: a solitary fibrous tumor (WHO grade 1, 2021). Given the aggressive nature of these lesions, with a tendency to recurrence, malignant transformation and even metastasis, surgery with macroscopically complete resection intention should constitute the first therapeutic option. Close clinical-radiological follow-up after the procedure is justified.
Keywords: Abordaje bifrontal transbasal; Bifrontal transbasal approach; Giant solitary fibrous tumor; Olfactory groove; Surco olfatorio; Tumor fibroso solitario gigante.
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