Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are sulfated polysaccharides comprising repeating disaccharides, uronic acid (or galactose) and hexosamines, including chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, heparan sulfate, and keratan sulfate. Hyaluronan is an exception in the GAG family because it is a non-sulfated polysaccharide. Lysosomal enzymes are crucial for the stepwise degradation of GAGs to provide a normal function of tissues and extracellular matrix (ECM). The deficiency of one or more lysosomal enzyme(s) results in the accumulation of undegraded GAGs, causing cell, tissue, and organ dysfunction. Accumulation of GAGs in various tissues and ECM results in secretion into the circulation and then excretion in urine. GAGs are biomarkers of certain metabolic disorders, such as mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) and mucolipidoses. GAGs are also elevated in patients with various conditions such as respiratory and renal disorders, fatty acid metabolism disorders, viral infections, vomiting disorders, liver disorders, epilepsy, hypoglycemia, myopathy, developmental disorders, hyperCKemia, heart disease, acidosis, and encephalopathy. MPS are a group of inherited metabolic diseases caused by the deficiency of enzymes required to degrade GAGs in the lysosome. Eight types of MPS are categorized based on lack or defect in one of twelve specific lysosomal enzymes and are described as MPS I through MPS X (excluding MPS V and VIII). Clinical features vary with the type of MPS and clinical severity of the disease. This chapter addresses the historical overview, synthesis, degradation, distribution, biological role, and method for measurement of GAGs.
Keywords: Glycosaminoglycan; hyaluronic acid; lysosomal enzymes; lysosomal storage diseases; mucopolysaccharidoses; sulfated polysaccharides.
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