Conscious Causality, Observer-Observed Simultaneity, and the Problem of Time for Integrated Information Theory

Entropy (Basel). 2024 Jul 30;26(8):647. doi: 10.3390/e26080647.


Without proven causal power, consciousness cannot be integrated with physics except as an epiphenomenon, hence the term 'hard problem'. Integrated Information Theory (IIT) side-steps the issue by stating that subjective experience must be identical to informational physical structures whose cause-and-effect power is greater than the sum of their parts. But the focus on spatially oriented structures rather than events in time introduces a deep conceptual flaw throughout its entire structure, including the measure of integrated information, known as Φ (phi). However, the problem can be corrected by incorporating the temporal feature of consciousness responsible for the hard problem, which can ultimately resolve it, namely, that experiencer and experienced are not separated in time but exist simultaneously. Simultaneous causation is not possible in physics, hence the hard problem, and yet it can be proven deductively that consciousness does have causal power because of this phenomenological simultaneity. Experiencing presence makes some facts logically possible that would otherwise be illogical. Bypassing the hard problem has caused much of the criticism that IIT has attracted, but by returning to its roots in complexity theory, it can repurpose its model to measure causal connections that are temporally rather than spatially related.

Keywords: abstract realism; causality; consciousness; electromagnetic theories of consciousness; integrated information theory; meaning: the hard problem; mind-matter relationship; observer–observed simultaneity; quantum mind; time.

Grants and funding

This research received no external funding.