Do people reach 100 by surviving, delaying, or avoiding diseases? A life course comparison of centenarians and non-centenarians from the same birth cohorts

Geroscience. 2024 Aug 30. doi: 10.1007/s11357-024-01330-w. Online ahead of print.


Centenarians are perceived as pioneers of longevity, possessing the secrets to surpassing age 100. It remains unclear whether they achieve this by surviving, delaying, or avoiding diseases to a greater extent than their shorter-lived peers. This register-based study encompassed all individuals aged 60 and older, born between 1912 and 1922 in Stockholm County, Sweden (N = 170,787). Using historical data, individuals were prospectively followed from 1972 to 2022 and stratified by their age at death. Age-specific incidence rates and remaining lifetime risk from age 60 were calculated for stroke, myocardial infarction, hip fracture, and various cancers (including colorectal, breast, and prostate), and compared between those who survived to age 100 and their shorter-lived counterparts. Centenarians had lower age-specific incidence rates for almost all diseases and ages. Despite longer life spans, their lifetime risks for all diseases except hip fracture were lower than those of non-centenarians. This suggests that centenarians delay, and even avoid, many of the major age-related diseases rather than surviving them to a higher extent. The findings that centenarians not only exhibit lower disease rates at younger ages compared to their shorter-lived peers but throughout their lives challenge the notion that longer life span inevitably leads to higher disease rates or a simple shift of diseases to older ages.

Keywords: Age-specific incidence rate; Birth cohort; Centenarians; Lifetime risk; Longevity.

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