Advancements and challenges in stem cell transplantation for regenerative medicine

Heliyon. 2024 Aug 10;10(16):e35836. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e35836. eCollection 2024 Aug 30.


Stem cell transplantation has emerged as a promising avenue in regenerative medicine, potentially facilitating tissue repair in degenerative diseases and injuries. This review comprehensively examines recent developments and challenges in stem cell transplantation. It explores the identification and isolation of various stem cell types, including embryonic, induced pluripotent, and adult stem cells derived from multiple sources. Additionally, the review highlights the tissue-specific applications of these stem cells, focusing on bone and cartilage regeneration, treatment of neurological disorders, and management of hematological conditions. Future advancements and effective resolution of current challenges will be crucial in fully realizing the potential of stem cell transplantation in regenerative medicine. With responsible and ethical practices, the field can potentially transform disease and injury treatment, ultimately improving the quality of life for countless individuals.

Keywords: Applications and challenges; Regenerative medicine; Stem cell transplantation.

Publication types

  • Review