Objectives: Examine electronic health record (EHR) use and factors contributing to documentation burden in acute and critical care nurses.
Materials and methods: A mixed-methods design was used guided by Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. Key EHR components included, Flowsheets, Medication Administration Records (MAR), Care Plan, Notes, and Navigators. We first identified 5 units with the highest documentation burden in 1 university hospital through EHR log file analyses. Four nurses per unit were recruited and engaged in interviews and surveys designed to examine their perceptions of ease of use and usefulness of the 5 EHR components. A combination of inductive/deductive coding was used for qualitative data analysis.
Results: Nurses acknowledged the importance of documentation for patient care, yet perceived the required documentation as burdensome with levels varying across the 5 components. Factors contributing to burden included non-EHR issues (patient-to-nurse staffing ratios; patient acuity; suboptimal time management) and EHR usability issues related to design/features. Flowsheets, Care Plan, and Navigators were found to be below acceptable usability and contributed to more burden compared to MAR and Notes. The most troublesome EHR usability issues were data redundancy, poor workflow navigation, and cumbersome data entry based on unit type.
Discussion: Overall, we used quantitative and qualitative data to highlight challenges with current nursing documentation features in the EHR that contribute to documentation burden. Differences in perceived usability across the EHR documentation components were driven by multiple factors, such as non-alignment with workflows and amount of duplication of prior data entries. Nurses offered several recommendations for improving the EHR, including minimizing redundant or excessive data entry requirements, providing visual cues (eg, clear error messages, highlighting areas where missing or incorrect information are), and integrating decision support.
Conclusion: Our study generated evidence for nurse EHR use and specific documentation usability issues contributing to burden. Findings can inform the development of solutions for enhancing multi-component EHR usability that accommodates the unique workflow of nurses. Documentation strategies designed to improve nurse working conditions should include non-EHR factors as they also contribute to documentation burden.
Keywords: documentation burden; documentations; electronic health record; evaluation; nurses; usability; user interface.
© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Medical Informatics Association. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.