Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection poses a major global health challenge with massive morbidity and mortality. Despite a preventive vaccine, current treatments provide limited virus clearance, necessitating lifelong commitment. The HBV surface antigen (HBsAg) is crucial for diagnosis and prognosis, yet its high-resolution structure and assembly on the virus envelope remain elusive. Utilizing extensive datasets and advanced cryo-electron microscopy analysis, we present structural insights into HBsAg at a near-atomic resolution of 3.7 angstroms. HBsAg homodimers assemble into subviral particles with D2- and D4-like quasisymmetry, elucidating the dense-packing rules and structural adaptability of HBsAg. These findings provide insights into how HBsAg assembles into higher-order filaments and interacts with the capsid to form virions.