Background: Previous studies investigating environmental and behavioral drivers of chronic disease have often had limited temporal and spatial data coverage. Smartphone-based digital phenotyping mitigates the limitations of these studies by using intensive data collection schemes that take advantage of the widespread use of smartphones while allowing for less burdensome data collection and longer follow-up periods. In addition, smartphone apps can be programmed to conduct daily or intraday surveys on health behaviors and psychological well-being.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility and scalability of embedding smartphone-based digital phenotyping in large epidemiological cohorts by examining participant adherence to a smartphone-based data collection protocol in 2 ongoing nationwide prospective cohort studies.
Methods: Participants (N=2394) of the Beiwe Substudy of the Nurses' Health Study 3 and Growing Up Today Study were followed over 1 year. During this time, they completed questionnaires every 10 days delivered via the Beiwe smartphone app covering topics such as emotions, stress and enjoyment, physical activity, access to green spaces, pets, diet (vegetables, meats, beverages, nuts and dairy, and fruits), sleep, and sitting. These questionnaires aimed to measure participants' key health behaviors to combine them with objectively assessed high-resolution GPS and accelerometer data provided by participants during the same period.
Results: Between July 2021 and June 2023, we received 11.1 TB of GPS and accelerometer data from 2394 participants and 23,682 survey responses. The average follow-up time for each participant was 214 (SD 148) days. During this period, participants provided an average of 14.8 (SD 5.9) valid hours of GPS data and 13.2 (SD 4.8) valid hours of accelerometer data. Using a 10-hour cutoff, we found that 51.46% (1232/2394) and 53.23% (1274/2394) of participants had >50% of valid data collection days for GPS and accelerometer data, respectively. In addition, each participant submitted an average of 10 (SD 11) surveys during the same period, with a mean response rate of 36% across all surveys (SD 17%; median 41%). After initial processing of GPS and accelerometer data, we also found that participants spent an average of 14.6 (SD 7.5) hours per day at home and 1.6 (SD 1.6) hours per day on trips. We also recorded an average of 1046 (SD 1029) steps per day.
Conclusions: In this study, smartphone-based digital phenotyping was used to collect intensive longitudinal data on lifestyle and behavioral factors in 2 well-established prospective cohorts. Our assessment of adherence to smartphone-based data collection protocols over 1 year suggests that adherence in our study was either higher or similar to most previous studies with shorter follow-up periods and smaller sample sizes. Our efforts resulted in a large dataset on health behaviors that can be linked to spatial datasets to examine environmental and behavioral drivers of chronic disease.
Keywords: big data; daily mobility; digital phenotyping; ecological momentary assessment; epidemiological monitoring; health behavior; mobile phone; smartphone apps and sensors.
©Li Yi, Jaime E Hart, Marcin Straczkiewicz, Marta Karas, Grete E Wilt, Cindy R Hu, Rachel Librett, Francine Laden, Jorge E Chavarro, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, Peter James. Originally published in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (, 11.10.2024.