[The center of infectious pathology of the S.P. Botkin clinical infectious diseases hospital and its role in diagnostic, educational and scientific work]

Arkh Patol. 2024;86(5):65-67. doi: 10.17116/patol20248605165.
[Article in Russian]


The article is devoted to the work of the Center for Infectious Pathology of the S.P. Botkin Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital.

Статья посвящена работе центра инфекционной патологии Клинической инфекционной больницы им. С.П. Боткина.

Keywords: Botkin Hospital; Center of infectious pathology.

Publication types

  • Historical Article
  • English Abstract

MeSH terms

  • Communicable Diseases* / diagnosis
  • Communicable Diseases* / parasitology
  • Communicable Diseases* / pathology
  • History, 20th Century
  • History, 21st Century
  • Humans
  • Pathology, Clinical / history
  • Russia