Clams, razor clams and cockle are intertidal bivalve species collected on foot in the shellfish grounds of the Rías Altas (NW Spain). Spatio-temporal distribution of these bivalves are typically at the expenses of the environmental conditions of the region; however, the responses to the abiotic conditions are poorly understood. Using data from 6 species (Ruditapes decussatus, Venerupis corrugata, Ruditapes philippinarum, Cerastoderam edule, Donax trunculus and Solen marginatus) sampled in 51 intertidal shellfish grounds during 2007 and 2008, we characterized the influence of the environment (temperature, salinity, nutrient salts, suspended organic matter, or sediment granulometry and composition) on the distribution and size of these species through a comparative statistical analysis. Shellfish grounds were grouped according to their sediment and water characteristics revealing a land-ocean gradient and the influence of the geological imprint that separates bivalve grounds from West to East. Statistical models showed that R. decussatus, V. corrugata and R. philippinarum together with C. edule were more abundant in sites combining a strong marine influence with organic-rich finer sediments. However, each of those species also had different environmental niches mostly related to their particular sediment affinities, the proximity to the river mouth, and their physiological tolerances to temperature and salinity. D. trunculus was only found in outer exposed shellfish grounds, while S. marginatus abundance increased in muddy sediments. River distance was a sound descriptor of individual shell length and length variability with contrasting effects on the different species. Furthermore, slopes of length-weight relationships were steeper in autumn than in spring, and this allometry tended to be more positive in sites located closer to the rivers' mouth, which had a higher organic matter C/N ratio. Overall, harvested intertidal bivalves had identifiable environmental preferences that influence their spatial distribution in abundance, body size, and allometric growth.
Keywords: Abundance; Bivalves; Body size; Hydrography; Length-weight relationships; Rías altas (NW Spain); Sedimentology; Statistical modelling.
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