After the normalization of social media in the Public Administration, they have become crucial to increasing citizen satisfaction. Alexandria Hospital has created a compliant website and an active presence on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X and YouTube. The main objectives of the "True or False" campaign are to educate the public on health issues, fight misinformation and evaluate knowledge on prevention. It was born from the evolution of the inclusion of polls in Instagram stories to increase streaming engagement. The campaign addressed topics such as breastfeeding and antibiotic resistance with true/false posts, followed by explanations from Aou AL health professionals. In 2023, the format became more interactive: followers were invited to answer true/false questions on topics such as breastfeeding and antibiotic resistance through the sentiments proposed by Facebook posts, awaiting responses from healthcare professionals published the next day. On World Cancer Day, the hospital asked eight questions, receiving 60 to 200 responses per post. Participants answered an average of six questions correctly, with accuracy ranging from 99% on UV exposure to 59% on post-surgery driving. These interactive campaigns foster trust and improve dialogue between PA and citizens.