Objective: Previous studies have revealed functional changes within the cerebral hemispheres of patients with SLE; however the changes between cerebral hemispheres are still unknown. The present study aimed to explore the functional and structural changes between bilateral hemispheres using functional MRI and find their relationship with cognition in patients with SLE.
Methods: 54 patients with SLE and 32 age-matched and sex-matched healthy controls (HCs) underwent MRI scanning and neuropsychological testing, and clinical data was collected in patients with SLE. Voxel-mirrored homotopic connectivity (VMHC) values and grey matter volume were calculated for all subjects. Correlation analysis was established to determine the relationship between VMHC values, grey matter volume and cognitive scores, blood biochemical markers in patients with SLE.
Results: Compared with HCs, patients with SLE showed increased VMHC values in the insula and parahippocampal gyrus, while grey matter volume were reduced in these regions. Correlation analysis demonstrated that the increased VMHC values in insula was negatively correlated with decreased orientation function and positively correlated with decreased attention function. The grey matter volume in insula was negatively correlated with decreased attention and abstraction. The VMHC values and grey matter volume in insula and parahippocampal gyrus were negatively associated with lupus-specific antibodies.
Conclusion: The structural and functional changes of insula and parahippocampal gyrus might be potential neuroimaging markers, and specific antibodies associated with lupus might be involved in the pathophysiological mechanisms of brain dysfunction.
Trial registration number: NCT06226324.
Keywords: Antibodies; Autoimmune Diseases; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
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