Mechanisms and Enhancement of Hydrogen Evolution for Membrane Anti-fouling and Methane Upgrading by Sacrificed Anode in a Novel Electro-AnMBR

Water Res. 2024 Nov 28:272:122881. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2024.122881. Online ahead of print.


Severe membrane fouling and low CH4 content in the produced biogas have restricted the applicability and energy recovery profit of the anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR). Herein, a novel AnMBR was constructed with an electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction (electro-HER) by double anodes and a titanium membrane-cathode (eHAnMBR). The electro-HER was controlled and enhanced by sacrificed iron anode under low voltage, to mitigate membrane fouling and upgrade biogas simultaneously. The critical factors in electro-HER were investigated to influence the AnMBR system, including hydrogen, applied voltage, and Fe ions. The voltage and hydrogen enhanced the hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis process and enriched hydrophilic Methanobacterium and Methanosarcina, thereby improving biogas purity by up to 28% and increasing total CH₄ production by 46%. Furthermore, the electro-HER on the membrane-cathode decreased the transmembrane pressure by 30%. Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMs) was innovatively applied to visualize the organic foulants in membrane pores. The electro-HER not only produced H2 to optimize cake layer structure but also produced local alkalinity on the membrane surface, to remove extracellular polymeric substances in membrane pores. Additionally, Fe2+/Fe3+ released from the sacrificial iron anode, facilitated phosphate precipitation and removal from 15.7% to 37.9%. This study presents a novel and sustainable wastewater treatment solution by integrating the electro-HER process with AnMBR, enabling both energy recovery and membrane antifouling.

Keywords: Anaerobic membrane bioreactor; Anti-fouling; Biogas upgrading; Hydrogen evolution; Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry.