Metabolomic characterization of a new strain of microalgae by GC-MS method with the introduction of a deuterium label

Biochimie. 2024 Dec 5:S0300-9084(24)00293-1. doi: 10.1016/j.biochi.2024.11.015. Online ahead of print.


Microalgae are active producers of various compounds, including toxic substances. However, their metabolism is very diverse and insufficiently known. We demonstrate an approach that includes growing a new strain of cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya sp. (IPPAS B-1204) on an isotopically labeled medium (D2O) and evaluating the metabolomic composition of these microorganisms after deuterium uptake. Despite the low resolution of the GC-MS method, the interpretation of the obtained spectra allowed us to find out not only the amount of the embedded isotope label but also to assume the position in the structure where the label is embedded. We present the results of reliably detecting more than 30 compounds with isotope labels belonging to various classes of biological compounds produced by this cyanobacterium, revealing the metabolic pathways of entry of this label. We also demonstrate that the synthesis of unsaturated fatty acids is suppressed under the growth on D2O medium. In addition, we found an isotopic effect in the chromatographic separation of isotopically labeled compounds in gas chromatography. These data can be used in the future both for the identification of compounds and the analysis of the biosynthesis pathways of secondary biologically active compounds and in the analysis of the production of isotopically labeled standards of compounds.

Keywords: Cyanobacterium; Gas chromatography; H/D exchange; Heavy water administration; Mass spectrometry; Microalgae; Plant metabolomics; Stable isotope labeling.