Application of 1H NMR Metabolic Profiling of Serum in Canine Multicentric Lymphoma

Vet Comp Oncol. 2024 Dec 8. doi: 10.1111/vco.13034. Online ahead of print.


Canine lymphoma represents a biologically and metabolically heterogeneous group of neoplasms that arise from malignant transformation of lymphoid cells. An accurate diagnosis is crucial because of its impact on survival. Current diagnostic methods include clinical laboratory tests and imaging, most of which are invasive and lack sensitivity and specificity. Interestingly, recent work in cancer patients focuses on the search for biomarkers for diagnosis, investigation of treatment response mechanisms, treatment efficacy and prognosis and the discovery of tumour metabolic pathways using metabolomic analysis. In this study, we compare the metabolite profiles in serum from 37 dogs with multicentric lymphoma (22 B-cell lymphomas/LB, 9 CD45+ T-cell lymphomas/LTCD45+, 6 CD45- T-cell lymphomas/LTCD45-) and 25 healthy dogs using 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). 1H NMR-based metabolite profiling analysis recognised lipids and 22 metabolites, with 16 of them altered, and was shown to be an effective approach for differentiating samples from dogs with lymphoma and healthy controls based on principal component analysis of the NMR data. We also investigated variations in the serum metabolome between immunophenotypes and the control group through pairwise comparisons of the healthy against the LB, LTCD45+ and LTCD45- groups, respectively which showed similar metabolomic profiles. In addition, there were significant differences in the levels of five individual metabolites based on the univariate statistical analysis. Our results showed alterations in energy, protein and lipid metabolism, suggesting glucose, lactate, N-acetyl glycoproteins (NAGs), scyllo-inositol and choline as possible new candidate biomarkers in canine multicentric lymphoma.

Keywords: dog; immunophenotypes; metabolomic analysis; multicentric lymphoma; nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.