Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a frequent disorder with high mental health care utilization. This study aims to describe BPD hospitalization in France: using the French national hospitals database from 2013 to 2022, regarding sociodemographic factors and hospitalization characteristics. In total, this study included 121,235 patients. The sex ratio was 1.76 female for 1 male. The median age at hospitalization was 33 years. Most hospitalizations concerned female patients around 30 years old, were voluntary, full-time, in public facilities, and lasted around 14 days. Age at first hospitalization decreased between 2015 and 2022. Male patients were more often in public and compulsory care. Hospitalizations were longer when there were comorbidities. The most common comorbidities were mood disorders. The prevalence of BPD inpatients in 2022 approximates 6%. This is the first nationwide French study describing hospitalizations of patients with BPD. Factors influencing inpatient care should be further studied.
Keywords: borderline personality disorder; data reuse; hospitalization; population study; psychiatry.
© 2025 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.