Background: This study aims to report the results of the patients with symptomatic accessory navicular (AN) who underwent endoscopic AN and partial navicular resection.
Methods: The medical records of patients with type 2 symptomatic AN who underwent the aforementioned surgery at our hospital from November 2019 to May 2022 with a follow-up of >2 years were reviewed. Data on clinical, radiographic, and patient-reported outcomes were obtained.
Results: The analysis included 29 patients (20 females; mean age, 19.6 years; mean body mass index, 21.5) with a mean follow-up duration of 39.5 months. Comparing the preoperative and postoperative scores, visual analog scale score improved from 74.6 to 5.4, and the Japanese Society for Surgery of the Foot score improved from 63.0 to 95.9. We had one wound dehiscence and no other recognized complications. Magnetic resonance and ultrasonographic imaging done 1 year postoperatively revealed that the empty space that remained after resection of the AN was filled with tendonlike tissue.
Conclusion: Endoscopic AN and partial navicular resection for treating symptomatic AN resulted in good outcomes and only one case with wound complications.
Keywords: arthroscopy; endoscopy; minimally invasive surgery; os tibiale externum; pathology.