Subglottic cysts and hemangiomas are rare but potentially life-threatening conditions in pediatric patients. Subglottic cysts are generally associated with premature infants with a history of prolonged endotracheal intubation, while subglottic hemangiomas are congenital vascular lesions that grow rapidly and are uncommon head and neck tumours in pediatric patients. Both conditions can present with generalised respiratory symptoms such as stridor. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial in avoiding airway compromise. Medical records of three pediatric patients were reviewed. All cases involved the use of coblation as treatment for subglottic cysts or hemangiomas. All three cases responded well to coblation. Subsequent endoscopies have shown excellent healing with no additional cyst or hemangioma formation with minimal stenosis. The study's results suggest coblation is a safe and effective alternative to cautery and CO2 laser for treating pediatric subglottic cysts and hemangiomas.
Keywords: Ear, nose and throat/otolaryngology; Failure to thrive; Hemangioma; Pediatrics.
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