Microautophagy in cereal grains: protein storage or degradation?

Trends Plant Sci. 2025 Jan 21:S1360-1385(24)00348-0. doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2024.12.012. Online ahead of print.


Recent research indicates an involvement of microautophagy in the uptake of seed storage proteins (SSPs) into the plant-specific protein storage vacuole (PSV), particularly in cereal grains. However, because microautophagy plays a vital role in cellular homeostasis by degrading and recycling cellular components, we question whether it is a suitable term for a process involved in long-term storage. Additionally, because fission-type microautophagy shares mechanistic similarities with the intraluminal vesicle (ILV) formation of multivesicular bodies (MVBs), we draw parallels between microautophagy and membrane remodeling facilitated by the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT). Finally, we propose that the complex structure of cereal endosperm is an optimal tissue to study microautophagy in a plant- and tissue-specific context to decipher its molecular regulation in anabolism and catabolism.

Keywords: ESCRT; cereal; endosperm; microautophagy; seed storage protein transport.

Publication types

  • Review