The three-dimensional organization of the eye lenses of the chicken, the canary, the song-thrush and the kestrel was studied using light and scanning electron microscopy. The lenses of birds are characterized by the presence of two distinct compartments: the annular pad and the main lens body, separated by a cavum lenticuli. The annular pad fibers had a hexagonal circumference all contained a round nucleus and except for the canary were smooth-surfaced and lacking anchoring devices. In the canary, however, the annular pad fibers were studded with edge protrusions and ball-and-socket junctions. The semicircular main lens body fibers of all four species were studded with ball-and-socket junctions and edge protrusions. In contrast with mammals these anchoring devices were present throughout the lens up to the embryonal nucleus. Superficially the main lens body fibers were extremely flat. Additionally membrane elevations and depressions and globular elements were found on these central fibers in three species, the kestrel being the exception. At the transition between annular pad and main lens body the fibers turned their course and the nuclei became oval and disappeared in the deeper aspect of the main lens body. The cavum lenticuli was filled with globules tied off from the annular pad fibers. It seems attractive to assume that the presence of a separated annular pad, a cavum lenticuli filled with globular elements, the extreme flatness of the superficial central fibers and the studding of these central fibers with anchoring devices up to the embryonal nucleus are morphological expressions of the mouldability of the bird's eye lenses and consequently would explain their efficient accommodative mechanism including formation of a lenticonus. The presence of nuclei in the annular pad fibers and their typical change at the transitional zone between annular pad and main lens body are suggestive for a two-phased differentiation in bird's lens fibers: differentiation of the germinative epithelial cells to annular pad fibers which migrate to the main lens body after which they differentiate further to main lens body fibers.