The effects of serotonin (5-HT) on membrane potential, membrane resistance, and select ionic currents were examined in large pedal neurons (LP1, LP3) of the mollusk Hermissenda. Calcium (Ca) action potentials were evoked in sodium-free artificial seawater containing tetramethylammonium, tetraethylammonium, and 4-aminopyridine (0-Na, 4-AP, TEA ASW). They failed at stimulation rates greater than 0.5/sec and were blocked by cadmium (Cd). Under voltage clamp the calcium current (ICa) responsible for them also failed with repeated stimulation. Thus, ICa inactivation accounts for refractoriness of the Ca action potential. The addition of 10 microM 5-HT to 0-Na, 4-AP, TEA ASW produced a slight depolarization and increased excitability and input resistance. Under voltage clamp the background current decreased. The voltage-dependent inward, late outward, and outward tail currents, sensitive to Cd, increased. ICa inactivation persisted. Under voltage clamp with Ca influx blocked by Cd, the addition of 10 microM 5-HT decreased the remaining current uniformly over membrane potentials of -10 to -100 mV. Thus, 5-HT reduces a background current that is active within the physiological range of the membrane potential, voltage insensitive, independent of Ca influx, noninactivating, and not blocked by 4-AP or TEA.