The microscopic organization and ultrastructure of the submandibular muscle of 10 species of Amphibia were compared. Among other fibre features the diameter of fibres, their content of mitochondria and fat, organization of sarcomeres: morphology of Z-line, M-band and sarcoplasmic reticulum were taken into consideration and 4 main types of muscle fibres were distinguished. They correspond to tonic (slow) and phasic (red, white and intermediate) ones. Slight variety of fibre morphology and of fibre elements among the examined species was found. Special attention to the variety of fibre morphology among the established types has been paid and the existence of continuous "spectrum" of fibres was suggested. The correlation of frequency of fibres of particular types with the body size, gular oscillation frequency, and some other characteristics of the submandibular muscle in the examined species was discussed. Also the zonal arrangement of muscle according to the fibre types, as well as possible dynamic nature of muscle fibres were emphasised.